Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hiking and Camping In The Clev Part II

This is Part Duex of the Great SoCal Tweetout! Check out Part Un Here!

Once we got back from Los Pinos Mountain, it was campout time for the Tweetout!

We set up some tents:

And checked out some great gear complied by several of us from companies like Keen,

Teton Sports 

and also via Kickstarter!

(how does it blow up?)

(still not sure)

Then campfires (supplied by the awesome efforts of Zac and Alex), some drinks and banter.

Woken up by insanely loud woodpeckers it the morning, we broke camp and then when on a brief hike

which led to some nice meadows

and vistas

After we got out of the camp we hit up the Lookout which is a biker bar that overlooks Lake Elisnore. for some grub.

What a great weekend and great peeps!

If you want to read the blogs of all of us SoCalers, check out:

The SoCal Hiker: http://socalhiker.net
Campfire Chic: http://campfirechic.com
California Through My Lens: http://californiathroughmylens.com
OP Adventures!: http://opadventureteam.com
Shoestring Adventures: http://shoestringadventures.com
Rock Grrl: http://www.rockgrrl.com/blog/


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