Balaclava, how the hell do you pronounce that word? You would think an old hand at Winter like yours truly would know how to pronounce that word but I haven't the foggiest. So come with me today for another #TerramarThursday where I talk about "that thing".
This piece of headwear is light and while its probably not the best for Arctic travel, this would be a great piece for nordic skiing, snowshoeing or other backcountry pursuits.
One thing growing up in the East that I always found with headpieces like this is that they were too thick and not super breathable. This doesn't feel stultifying at all but still protective.
Plus it is a hit at banks.
Aside from making bank managers nervous, I am hoping to try out this sucker in Utah this January as I have plans to go snowshoeing and I think this Bally-clav-a? will be awesome as I hit the powder.
Check out more product info here:
I was provided this product because I am part of the Terramar Tribe. I try to review items like this as honestly as possible. Whether I liked it or not, I don't gain anything if you go out and buy these things. Its the Internet, take everything with a grain of salt and gain from it what you can.
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