Monday, November 18, 2019

Polar Time Excellent

 So I am at it again. In 2013 Fjallraven offered those on the interwebs a chance to go on a polar expedition. Back then I marshaled my forces to try and win 1 of 2 spots on the expedition team but came up juuuuuuuuust short.

People are often surprised at my quest to go polar because I am such a SoCal guy. However I grew up in Upstate New York (the "East" in EastWestHike) and there is something about the cold that still stays in my blood. After the my failure in the previous Fjallraven contest I also tried to go to Nunavut in a contest sponsored by Leica and I still check in on the town of Iqaluit to see what they are getting up to in the North.

It has been several years since these contests and life and passions have gotten me off the trail. However, nothing reignites my interest like another contest and lo and behold I stumbled across the 2020 version of the contest just as it was starting.

You may not remember from my last time around but I made a ton of terrible collages and you can tell I am stoked since I started making collages again ;).

There is just something in my life that compels me to go tromping around in extreme environments and on a side note, I would love to pet some sled dogs. It is also important to bring the beauty of the North to people via my website and social media and maybe it will help inspire people to work to save these wild, cold places.

If you have a Facebook account, I sure would appreciate your vote. If you want to send me on a dream trip to the North please click on this link and vote!



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