Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Prepping For Yosemite

Ahhh Yosemite, one of the nation's crown jewels of parks. Often lauded by Ken Burns and others for its beauty, grandeur, etc. etc.

A year ago was my first visit to the park and between the redwoods

and soaring granite cliffs,

I have to admit, its a pretty darn impressive park.

Last year was more exploratory, how do the shuttle buses work (well and often thank you)? When's the best time to get to the Mariposa Grove (the answer, early!)? Is it worth it to wait in line for pizza at Degnan's Loft (the answer  I don't know I gave up)?

This year, with some answers under my belt, I am going to be doing much more hiking in the Yose.

The plan, hit a supposedly underutilized trail near Glacier Point for spectacular Valley views, take in a few waterfalls (to the extent they are running) and then head up to the High Country to check what is going on up there (and eat at the Mobil click here to see why).

There will be hotels, there will be campsites, there will be laughing, hopefully no crying and dammit, I am getting some of that pizza this year! Yosemite, here I come!


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